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Solutions for Captive (Re)Insurance Management
Perseid provides a new global standard of care and financial management for captive insurers and re-insurers managing client or purchased books of business where health, safety or disability risks exist.
Captive insurers and re-insurers have unique needs regarding data acquisition, reporting and prevention of adverse events, re-admissions, verification of outcomes and value in addition to special need to follow patients from primary direct insurance policies through re-insurance claims.
Moreover, modern "cloud" based insurance systems encourage surveillance and joint monitoring of risk with primary insurers and care and financial coordination of community care for group health, short- and long-term disability, worker's compensation and any form of health or disability-related "purchased" books of business where there are health and/or safety risks.
The Health Sciences Universe provides a comprehensive solution to clinical and financial data acquisition, shared monitoring of claims and prevention of risk.
Claims are avoided through the use of daily clinical monitoring of high risk claims and cases. Communicating with providers, facilities, case managers and caregivers and the patient and their family at low cost in terms of time and money facilitates converged coordinated care and creates an opportunity for value-based care to replace fee-for-service.
Solutions for Outpatient Coordination, Risk, Reserves and IBNR Management and Prediction

The Health Sciences Universe™ product meets all the mobile health and wellness requirements outlines in a poll of 16,000 physicians by PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Moreover, new clinical and financial models from Perseid's statistical and actuarial systems provide a 300-500% improvement in the ability to predict re-admissions and case deterioration into high cost care and increased reserves.
The integrated insurance and care management applications encourage captive managers to follow patients in the community by sharing real-time information on cases, reserves, protocols and coordinated care. Such oversight can catch adverse events before they influence cases and future outcomes.
There are substantial incentives for captive insurance managers to coordinate care. The Health Sciences Universe can serve as a foundation for integrating care among patients, caregivers, providers, direct insurers and the captive manager, creating an integrated delivery system:
- More accurately predict and manage reserves and IBNR
- Assess, manage and predict risk, including re-admission risk
- Create and manage new services and programs for the client
- Prevent adverse events and re-admission
- Coordinate care and monitor compliance for case management
- Develop and market Centers of Excellence for other captives
- Setup clinical rules for outcomes associated with proven protocols
- Create user communities of patients and providers of care
The Health Sciences Universe enterprise software product helps you and your partners capture critical data from direct insurers, providers, payers, devices, patients and their families to measure the results of your success; contact us for a demonstration using the link above.
Perseid Software provides captive insurers and captive managers, governments and re-insurers designing and operating innovative insurance products a global solution for the design, deployment and monitoring of clinical, administrative and financial programs to better predict and manage cases, reserves and IBNR where healthcare, worker's compensation, or disability risk are present.
The Health Sciences Universe™ product provides integration of the clinical and financial data for the development of adaptive clinical case management, real-time protocols for admission and re-admission avoidance and prediction, predictive risk actuarial and statistical solutions, rapid classification and management of risk protocols and advanced real-time communications required to support these solutions for the captive manager, care teams, caregivers and community care facilities.
Hospitals require new technology to create and manage wellness and disease management programs that extend the hospital's reach into the community: to employers and families where they live and work.
The Health Sciences Universe™ product provides integration of the clinical and financial information you need to reach out to the community of care managers and families by creating a single enterprise view of all relevant current information on a patient, their services and their clinical and financial programs.
Perseid Software enables providers to manage the integration of clinical, financial and administrative information on employers and their employee's family to create an enterprise view of the state of a patient clinically and within your healthcare and clinical programs.
The Health Sciences Universe™ product provides integration of the clinical and financial information you need to create for client communities wellness and disease management programs that capture value, defer the onset of chronic illness and reduce hospitalizations.
Captive and other insurance managers can develop new programs to take control of healthcare outcomes and relative costs by managing the integration of clinical, financial and administrative information on patients, providers and their families by implementing innovative solutions for new products that generate actionable outcomes, integrated clinical and financial data that better predict current and future costs.
The Health Sciences Universe™ product provides integration of the clinical and financial information you need to create safety, wellness and disease management programs to capture and create value, defer the onset of chronic illness and reduce hospitalizations by uniquely integrating group health, personal and family care, disability data into a complete enterprise program for health and care management.
Perseid is pioneering the development of real-time care management and insurance systems to monitor risk in real-time, bringing the insurer, captive manager, re-insurer and the person or family at risk into an Internet-based "cloud" architecture for care and risk management.
Perseid Software enables providers to take control of healthcare information systems to improve the quality (and quantity) of care to create centers of excellence under the new regulations for accountable care.
The Health Sciences Universe™ product provides 10 applications, thousands of healthcare, clinical and insurance forms, reports and packages of code for the development of clinical and financial information systems. The product uniquely integrates clinical medicine and trials, group health, personal and family care, disability, worker's compensation and reinsurance software solutions into a complete enterprise product for health and care management.
Perseid Software enables government organizations to take control of healthcare information systems development costs by providing a enterprise-scale set of applications for developing state and local government applications that can manage large populations of patients.
The Health Sciences Universe™ product provides 10 applications, thousands of healthcare, clinical and insurance forms, reports and packages of code for the development of clinical and financial information systems, including those needed to reduce costs and enhance care in Medicaid, Medicare and Military health systems. The product uniquely integrates clinical medicine and trials, group health, personal and family care, disability, worker's compensation and reinsurance software solutions into a complete enterprise product for health and care management with enterprise scaleability and the required security, access and control systems for government use.