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The Health Sciences Universe is entirely written in Oracle.  

By selecting Oracle as the foundation of the product, the company ensures that the healthcare and disability solutions created with the product meet the highest global standards of engineering, security, audit and control and speed-to-market.

It's design, documentation, code, data and website are fully integrated with Oracle 12C for the Cloud, Websphere for high volume transaction processing and load balacing and Application Express 5.0. 

Importantly, for enterprise-scale applications, the product does not require any downloads nor resident Java code.  This encourages security and ease-of-use and maintenance.  To operate the product, you require only an Internet browser in each computer, workstation, cell phone or hand-held computer and an Oracle server connected to the Internet.

For additional information on the core building blocks of the product, please see the following documents:

The Health Sciences Universe enterprise software product helps you and your partners capture critical data from providers, payers, devices, patients and their families to measure the results of your success; contact us for a demonstration using the link above.

perseid software
needham heights, massachusetts

perseid software limited